Perth will be classified as a ‘region’!

Dear Students,

We have great news to share! 

The Federal Government has announced that Perth will be classified as a ‘region’ for international students! The announcement is great news for students from around the globe who are looking to learn, live and launch their careers in our wonderful city.

What does this mean to you?

As a result of new measures set to be introduced by the Commonwealth Department of Home Affairs on 16 November 2019, as a newly designated ‘regional’ city, Perth will offer additional opportunities and attractions for international students:

·       an additional 5 points on the points test (to meet the Department of Home Affairs’ minimum threshold for points tested visas) for studying in a regional area; and

·       access to an additional year of post-study work for international higher education and post-graduate students.  Students will have the ability to gain an addition year of work experience and eligibility for skills assessments required to apply for skilled visas (including State nominated visas); and

·      opportunity to apply for scholarships, which provide up to $15,000 per student per year to support study and living expenses associated with studying a Certificate IV to Doctoral level qualification at a regional campus.

MORE GOOD NEWS FROM THE STATE GOVERNMENT – Changes to the Graduate Stream of the State Nomination Migration Program

The State Nomination Migration Program (SNMP) Graduate stream will soon be more accessible for international students who study in Western Australia.

On 16 October 2019 Premier Mark McGowan announced that the Graduate Stream of the SNMP will be extended to include vocational education and training (VET) graduates who complete a qualification in Western Australia at Certificate III level or above, excluding trade occupations (unless approved for delivery to international students).

The first invitation round to include VET graduates will be issued in December 2019.

Other changes to the SNMP Graduate stream are:

  • studies in Higher Education, VET and/or English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) will all count towards the requirement to study for two years in Western Australia.
  • work experience and job offer requirements will also be reduced. Graduates will need to either demonstrate six months of work experience or a six month employment contract, but not both.

A new Graduate Occupation List and updated eligibility criteria for the Graduate stream will be published on the Migration portal prior to the December invitation round.

For information on the current Graduate Stream of the State Nomination Migration Scheme requirements, click here

Perth provides the ideal environment for international students to live and learn.  This announcement means that Perth now offers additional attractions to international students and additional opportunities for you to prosper after you complete their studies.

If you want more information, please see your Education Agent on your migration pathway.
